Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 159 of 365

It was the last celebration of the year for us today. We had my daughter's birthday in June, my birthday and our wedding anniversary in July, and now today is my husband's birthday. I like that we have them all close together, in the summer, when the weather is nice and we're off for summer break.

Even though we celebrated his birthday last week when our daughter was home, since today is really his birthday he got a second round of fun. Movies. New clothes shopping. Dinner. Groceries.

The two of us rarely ever go to the theater together, and when we do we usually go to see separate movies. Today is the first time we've seen the same movie in probably four years or so. Present number one.

He wanted some new school clothes and since last school year I was out of work and we were scrimping and saving, he was long overdue. Present number two, and three, and four, and...

He loves going out to dinner and that's been another thing we had cut back on, so he got to pick what he wanted. A gift from me to him.

Groceries. Not really a present, but we went with several coupons. He hates it when I shop with coupons because it slows things down, but I saved us $50!

And his favorite (albeit expensive) birthday cake from Dairy Queen.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 158 of 365

I can't make fun of my husband in his rocking chair anymore.

We have a finished basement. Down there is our daughter's old room, a bathroom, the washer/dryer, some built in shelves where we store our stockpile, and a TV room. My husband has a full wall of all his sports memorabilia there, too. He's not really a collector (he does have favorite teams and has some of their things), but when he was in college he did work with the football and basketball teams, so he has leftover college stuff and he coached high school athletics for many years and has all that stuff.

A few years back we decided to make the plain white room where the TV was into somewhat of a home theater. We painted the walls a darker color. We used a lighter color to make several rectangles on the wall that we framed with brown molding. Inside those frames, we hung posters of my husbands favorite movies. We have a couch and a couple rocking recliners down there. And we left all his sports stuff.

I rarely go down there to watch TV. The exercise bike is in my daughter's old room, so I go downstairs every day to ride. Most days, I might stop and watch TV for a half hour or so after I ride to cool down. (Having a nice cool basement is sure nice on hot summer days.)

My husband is always down there. When school is going on, after dinner he heads down there and doesn't come up until bedtime. Some days in the summer he'll stay there from breakfast to lunchtime, then lunchtime to dinnertime, then dinnertime to bedtime. He grew up watching television so it's a big part of his life.

I always make fun of him in his recliner, especially during the school year. Not because he is in it so much, but because during the school year, after a long day teaching and a filling dinner, he falls asleep in it. Immediately. Like 10 minutes after sitting down, he's snoring. Sometimes it's so loud I can hear him upstairs. For him, the chair = sleep.

I can't make fun of him anymore. For the last several weeks when I have watched TV with him - mostly the Saturday/Sunday NASCAR races - I have fallen asleep. I don't know if it's the monotony of the cars going round and round, or the humming of the engines, or because it's the weekend and I'm particularly tired, but I can't keep my eyes open. I'm not a napper - I don't ever take naps in the afternoon - but for some reason the recliner = sleep for me too. (I have to admit though, napping feels pretty darn good.) Maybe he's on to something.

Kinda like the kitty. The pillow on the edge of the living room couch = sleep for her. She's got the right idea!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 157 of 365

I'm ready.

More accurately, my office is ready. Today I spent another full day getting my office ready. My daughter and I already spent a full day there this week, moving furniture and books of boxes. Since I have a new position, it requires new boxes of books/binders/materials. So to make room for those new books/binders/materials, I had to get all the old boxes of books/binders/materials out. And since my previous position is going unfilled, those old things were distributed all over the building. (Again, thank goodness for my young, fit daughter!)

With all that distributing, all that book/binder/materials switcheroo, we ran out of time to actually put all the new things away. My office looked like it was ransacked, so I had to spend some time on my own getting things in order.

And it is. It took more moving and shuffling of boxes of books/binders/materials than I had planned. And again, I am pooped.

Not too pooped to get some sewing in. Since my turtles are done, I started a new kids' quilt for charity. A little while back I got some pre-cut squares. A little while back I also learned a new pattern/technique called Disappearing Nine Patch.

I still need to add a row at the bottom to give it some length. Also, the black seems to overwhelm the quilt, so I think I'll add a bright border to temper it. A true work in progress.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 156 of 365

My gastroenterologist wanted to make sure I showed up at today's appointment on time.

After I had my procedure on Day 98 where they biopsied my esophagus, they gave me a paper with my 9:30 appointment time on it. Then last month, they sent me a reminder card with my 9:30 appointment time on it. And this week when I was at my meetings, they called and left a message with my husband to remind me of my 9:30 appointment time.

I very much dislike mornings. Really, my joints don't like the mornings. After spending two days this week doing nothing but sitting at hours worth of meetings and yesterday at school when boxes of books and furniture moving filled my day, this morning was particularly rough. My knees wouldn't (and still barely won't) bend. My back was (and still is) killing me. I'm limping and hunched over like an old woman. But I had a 9:30 appointment to be on time to and I had no intention of canceling.

My daughter tagged along with me to my appointment. Since she lives/works close to the doctor's office, I offered to give her a ride to work. 9:30 doctor and 11:00 daughter-has-to-be-somewhere time should have been fine for my short follow-up visit.

We arrived early at 9:20, stood at the counter updating a one-page info sheet (I have an employer again!), and was seated in the waiting room before 9:25.

9:30 came and went.

9:40 came and went.

9:50 came and went.

Finally at 10:00 I asked the receptionist about how much longer it would be. At that point she informed me (and why she didn't tell me this when I sat down at 9:25, I'll never know) my appointment wasn't until 10:10 - they had told me 9:30 so I could be there early to fill out my paperwork.

HUH? 40 minutes for a one page update? And nowhere, in any of my three appointment cards/calls/notes showing 9:30, was it listed anywhere that my appointment was really at 10:10.

So I sat back down, a little bit (okay, a lot) ticked. My body hurts this bad, and I got myself up early to come over here to sit in these not-so-comfortable chairs and wait?

10:10 came and went.

10:20 came and went.

10:30 came and went.

And finally, about 10:35, I was taken back to a room. A room staffed by a "trainee". A gal who had to go over my records in the computer with me, but admitted she didn't know the computer system. More wasted minutes ticking by. When she was finally finished, she let me know the doctor would be another 15-20 minutes.

I gave the doctor 10 more minutes, but my waiting time was done. I had to get out the door and deliver my daughter. I attempted to reschedule my appointment, but was informed there weren't any appointments until the end of September.

Another HUH?.

So even though they repeatedly reminded me my appointment was at 9:30, I left there with my daughter just a bit before 11:00 without ever having seen the doctor. And no rescheduled appointment since my new work schedule isn't set in stone yet.

I have several refills on my prescription. I have no intention on going back to that office again.

I was so glad to get home and find a nice surprise in my garden.
Exercise update: Still going at 110 days in a row. Today was tough, but I got through it.