Monday, October 11, 2021

Carry Your Vaccine Card in Style with a Fabric Cardholder

If you've had your Covid vaccination somewhere in the United States, you know they issue you a paper card with all the information on it. Nothing laminated, nothing sturdy, and certainly nothing small enough to fit in your wallet. As important as the vaccine card is becoming, and with many places requiring original proof of vaccination to just get in the door, you need to keep the card on hand and safe. You want to be able to quickly find the card inside your bag or purse and have it protected in a vinyl pocket so you can show it without needing to take it out of the case. And you want a cardholder to be stylish and fit your personality.

Which is why I've been sewing vaccine card holders these last six months. I'm getting close to the 3,000th card holder sewn (whew!) so you aren't the only one wanting a fun and stylish way to keep the vaccine card on hand. 

If you need a vaccine card holder, or
you know someone else who could use a card holder, or
you're looking for a way to encourage someone to get vaccinated, or
you need a cute gift idea, or
you are looking for items to sell at holiday bazaars,
the time is now.

5 star rated? Check.
Over 100 fabric choices available for men, women, teens, and kids? Check.
Coupon code just for my blog readers? Check. 

Use coupon code DEB15 at checkout to receive 15% off my handmade vaccination card covers or vaccine card holder sewing patterns in my Etsy shop.