Want to watch the video instead of reading about it? Check it out here:
1. It's free.
Yep, it doesn’t cost you a penny. You can either order it ahead of time and have it delivered to your home (if you’re a US resident) or you can pick it up at the pier. Currently the Medallion comes with a plastic case, an insert, and a lanyard.
2. It replaces your cruise card, credit card, and ID when on board.
You’ll find your name, date, and ship on your Medallion and it's color-coded according to your loyalty level.
You’ll also find servers have a little blue thingy on their devices. It’s a Medallion reader, too. They’ll place it up against your Medallion and, if things work properly, it’ll read it.
3. It knows where you are.
You can use one of the portals to find your traveling companions or you can download the OceanCompass app onto your device. This is an app I used every single day for one thing and one thing only. To find my hubby on the ship. He would tootle off to breakfast and I’d meet up with him after he already had a couple cups of coffee in him. Whether he was in the Piazza drinking coffee or at the buffet, I could find him.

4. You can use it to order things no matter where you are on the ship.
Thirsty? Just look at everything I can order using the OceanNow app. Cocktails, nonalcoholic, beers and wines, sodas. Choose your drink, the order goes into the system, and a server will bring it right to you. They will be able to pinpoint where you are using their device.
What if you're hungry and don't want to stand in that pizza or fry line at the pool? Use the OceanNow app to order them up.
Don’t want to use a medallion? You don’t have to. Just know, if you choose to stick with your cruise card you won’t have access to all the features of the Medallion.