Monday, July 21, 2014

Whiny Monday Morning

When my alarm went off early this morning it jolted me awake. I'd had another rough night tossing and turning with an achy knee. And a bawling cat that wanted outside. And a snoring hubby. And a hot bedroom.

I sat there on the edge of the bed after the alarm jolt. Sat there for quite some time, my head full of negative thoughts.
Why me?
Why do I have to be in pain all the time?
Why is this knee taking so long to get better?
How come I'm the only one that has to work so hard to just function normally?
How is it that at the age of 49 I've already had 12 surgeries?
Why do I have to go to physical therapy?
Why do I have to work so hard at physical therapy?

I'm tired.
I'm tired of pain.
I'm tired of working.
I'm tired of working through the pain.
I don't know if I can do it anymore.

It's not fair.

Despite the thoughts in my head before my feet touched the ground, I got up, got dressed, and got to therapy. I did all my required work with a cheery imposition. No one would have known about those few minutes of negativity that faced me earlier in the day.

Yes, I'm tired. But I can do it. The pain lessens a bit every day. The joint is healing - and muscles are strengthening - at a faster rate than the last time 'round. All this pain and hard work is going to pay off in a big way. I'm going to have two good knees for the first time in 30 years. (5 of my 12 surgeries have been on my knees.)

Pity party over. No more whining.

Especially no whining on Wednesday. That day is going to rock! It'll be almost as cool as my scar. Awesome, right?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Temporary Life

Strawberry Greek yogurt with chocolate protein powder for breakfast. Either an apple or banana with peanut butter for snack. Plain tuna fish with five Ritz crackers for lunch. Whatever I can get for dinner. Depending on the day it could be beef jerky, a taco, or a piece of birthday steak. Water. Crystal Light. Lots of physical therapy. Treadmill, bike, balance board work, calf work, leg raises, weights, wall squats. Pain pills thrown in here and there. Sleep, no sleep. From the bed to the office chair to the camp chair outside. Supervise the cat's outside visitation. Don't supervise the cat's visitation.

She's doing quite a nice job of being outside by herself and sticking close. Thank goodness because closed doors sure aren't her favorite thing. Just check out her work when the bedroom door is closed.
And yep, it's all temporary. Things are about to get interesting. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Nap+Steak+Strawberries=49 years

At home in Marsing.  Washed store-bought strawberries in the morning.

Took a good afternoon nap with me asleep in my own bed and kitty sleeping on the headboard.

Kiddo broiled me a delicious steak for my dinner. 

And those strawberries from the morning became my dessert after dinner. A light version of strawberry pie, made with sugar free jello. 

A great birthday dessert for someone who, on her 49th birthday, has lost 118 pounds and is still on the move. Thanks kiddo for making today a special day for me!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Are We There Yet?

Kiddo took me (and kitty) home to Marsing for a couple days. I'm certain kitty's only thought was whether we were there yet. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

How to be a Warrior

While I might not be the best person giving out advice on how to be a warrior I can speak to being a part time warrior. I'm only two weeks out from major surgery (did I say major?), I'm so very much ahead of where I was when I had the last knee done, I'm feeling much more confident and strong, but I can't seem to maintain my warrior behavior for a full day. Part time warrior it is.

Ditched the walker, onto the cane. Warrior!

At physical therapy I did 15 minutes on the treadmill. Warrior!

Another 9 minutes on the bike. Warrior!

An additional 35 minutes working on the balance board, doing calf work, and lifting weights. Warrior!

20 more minutes hooked up to the electrical stimulation machine with ice on my knee. Sweating like crazy, hair dripping, trying to catch my breath. Not so warrior-ish.

Headed right to the doctor. Sat in the waiting room and tried to keep myself from throwing up. (You ever work out so hard you throw up? Yeah, I had that going. Non-warrior-ish.) But I didn't puke. Warrior!

Watched as they took out each one of my staples. They have this little tool that reaches under the staple, puts pressure on the top of the staple and bends it, which then helps it pop out from the skin. Warrior!

Took pictures for you. Warrior!

Went back to the Boise place, let the kitty out for some outside visitation. (No more unsupervised visitation for her.) Took a pain pill. (Non-warrior.) Walked into the backyard with no cane. Warrior!

In my pajamas, tucked into bed by 1:00 in the afternoon, napping for a few hours. Kitty and I are both done being warriors for the day.  

And can you be a warrior? All you have to do is look at these next pictures, pretend you were there with me, and you can call yourself a warrior, too! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

She's Tired

Pain pills are making me tired. What is kitty's excuse?

Friday, July 11, 2014

I am a Warrior

Or at least I felt like one today.

This morning I walked - without the walker - into physical therapy. I walked in there with my bandage off, my line of staples showing. Parked myself on the treadmill where I did 10 minutes. Did the rest of my exercises (okay, not so easy) but felt like a warrior every time I looked down at the staples. Warrior at therapy.

Son-in-law, hubby, and I went to a restaurant for lunch. Downtown at noon, parallel parking scarce. I got out of the car, stood on the curb, staples showing, and directed my driver into a very tight parking spot. Warrior on the sidewalk.

I walked - again without the walker - to the restaurant. Looking at those staples as we sat outside waiting for a table. Warrior.

After coming home, taking some pain medicine, icing the knee, and taking a nap I still felt like a warrior. Even more so after I hooked myself up to my TENS unit.

Warrior? Maybe Frankenstein.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Eat, Sleep, Drink, Repeat

I could be talking about myself and how I spend my days but I'm really talking about the cat. Her two day off-campus adventure has left her focusing on the basics. Eating, sleeping, drinking. Mostly sleeping. And continuing to pull out her fur. Her belly is almost naked.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Looked What the Cat Dragged In


Two worrisome days later missy decides to show up at the Boise place. A little dirtier, a little skinnier, and a little hungrier. Hopefully she's also a little wiser. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

CPM Machine

A CPM (continuous passive motion) machine is a device that is used to gently flex and extend the knee joint. A knee replacement patient can spend several hours a day in this machine. The foot rests in the end and the leg is placed along the length of the machine. When turned on the machine bends and straightens the knee again and again and again.

It doesn't look too painful with all the cushioned, soft padding. But let me tell you, being strapped in the machine for FOUR HOURS EVERY DAY is not so fun. What else isn't so fun? Physical therapy. One week with a new joint and a couple dozen staples running down the knee and I'm walking on a treadmill? Doing exercises on a balance board? Ouchy!

But it'll all be worth it when I can walk again. I continue to be hopeful for the future and grateful for the present.

Monday, July 7, 2014


I'm torn about today's picture. Do I put up the über-cool X-ray taken at the doctor's office today? The new knee joint, the rebuilt kneecap, the awesome looking staples holding the incision together?

Or do I put a picture of an empty porch? The same porch I took a picture of yesterday, only this time minus the cat? Ms. Too-Big-For-Her-Britches Country Cat-turned-City Cat decided to wander a little too far this morning. How far? We're not quite sure, but it must have been a ways because she has yet to wander back home. And she had been so good about sticking close by the Boise place! I'm still holding out hope that she'll return so I'll wait on the empty porch picture.

So let's go with something more interesting.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

City Cat

While it's been hot here (100 degrees +) I've made sure to get outside everyday. One day I walked to the corner and back to exercise my knee but mostly I just walk back and forth in the driveway and do a good bit of sitting in the shade. Each time we go out we make sure the kitty comes outside, too.

Our kitty has always been a country cat. But now that we have her in Boise with us I guess she can call herself a city cat. Although she's not into exploring much of the neighborhood. In fact, she doesn't move too far off the porch.

Friday, July 4, 2014

My Partner

We have kitty with us in Boise this time. She must think she's my caregiver because she's snuggling about as close an anyone - human or animal - could get. You can barely see my eyes peeking out from behind her head. Guess she missed me.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


I got to leave the hospital today! Before I left they changed the dressing on my knee and I got a picture of what was underneath. A HUGE warning here. If you don't like gross, please don't look at today's picture of the staples in my knee. If you think you can handle it, go for it.

Again, a warning...don't look if you don't like gross.

If you don't want to see the 24 staples, stop now or you might be sorry.

Last chance.

Last, last chance to back out.

For those who think they can stomache it, here's what I've got down my right knee.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Program

New program, new procedure so says the doctor. This was my 7th surgery with him and the recovery with this one has been the most surprising.

Everyday I see him he keeps touting this new program he has for his knee replacement patients. Get 'em done and send them home. When I heard some patients go home the same day or the next day I couldn't believe it. But now that I'm three days into it here at the hospital I get it.

It's amazing. I don't know if he used a different implant or different drugs or different procedure or different rehab schedule but it's working. The comparison between my last knee replacement and this one is night and day. How can I tell this new knee is amazing?

With the walker I've walked the hospital hallways several times in the past couple days.
I've climbed up and down stairs without assistance.
I stood on my own two feet (and own two knees) and brushed my teeth.
I've taken a shower with no help.
I can get myself in and out of bed without needing to hold onto the walker.
I'm able to get myself dressed, bending and straightening my knee as necessary.

And all those things happened with little pain. Yes, I'm taking a slew of drugs as evidenced by yesterday's picture but obviously those pills are working. Tomorrow I'm on my way outa here. I was supposed to go to a rehab center for a couple weeks, but I've progressed so well they now won't take me. (Guess I shouldn't have worked so hard in therapy here!) So it'll be off to our place in Boise where kiddo and son-in-law can help me get to therapy as it'll be some time before I can drive again.

I knew it was going to be a good day when I awoke to a pretty sunrise out my window.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Surgery went well and recovery is going well. I've been up walking (with the walker, of course). The only down side is the number of pills I'm having to take to make recovery happen. This handful, plus another pill, plus a liquid, plus two more medications in the IV, all multiple times a day. Kinda rough on my little tummy. But I have a new knee so it'll be worth it!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Ready to Go

All hooked up and getting ready to go. See you later, old worn out knee!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Allergy Card

Since I'm sneezing like crazy and my nose won't stop running I've decided to play the allergy card tomorrow at the hospital. Nope doctor, not a cold. Just allergies. (Now if it shows I have a fever that plan will be shot down.)

I know things always work as they are supposed to, but if the surgery is rescheduled it'll be tough to accept. Guess it just means I'm supposed to hang out with the cat a bit more. 

A clean, just-had-a-bath old cat. Although she's looking more like a little kitten each day. Poor girl. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bound to Happen

After a cruise ship vacation.
Three train trips.
Two taxi rides.
Four hotel shuttles.
Three airplanes.
Two bus rides.
Thirteen light rail trips.
Seven different cities.
Three states.
Two countries.
It was bound to happen.

I came home sick.

Which really shouldn't be such a big deal. Hubby came down with it a few days back and is pretty much recovered. But I've got a bigger issue.

My knee replacement surgery is on Monday.

My symptoms - A stuffy head, sore throat, earache, and chest congestion - are enough for a surgeon to call it off. But as this little vacation has showed me, I need a new knee ASAP.

Sounds like a good excuse to pile Alejandra's salsa on some refried beans. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Learnings

On the rails from Seattle to Portland today I learned two new things.

You know those kid movies where scrap metal machines look so ominous with billowing smoke, crushing cars and spitting them out? They really do exist and do look a bit scary.

And you know those houseboats like the one in Sleepless in Seattle? When it's time to move, no need to sell the house and buy a new one. Just hire a tugboat and move the house itself.