Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 360 of 365

I hesitate to say it. I'm afraid if I say it, it won't really come true. It's almost too impossible to believe.

I think this new medication I started after last week's visit to the rheumatologist is working. I think the pain is decreasing.

I first noticed it these past couple days. Over the past several years, stiffness in my joints has prevented me from getting dressed in the morning. The excruciating pain has kept me from doing anything for a few hours until the joints get warmed up. During this entire school year I've had to be up several hours before work time so I could ease into everything. Lots of wincing occurred every morning.

But these last couple days the wincing has subsided. While the stiffness remains, the pain associated with it appears to be diminishing. Not gone, but lessened. I want to be optimistic, thinking I'm going to head into my 365th day feeling unlike I've felt before. (At least unlike I've felt in 10 years or so.) I want to be excited, but I need to wait and see.

I can't even imagine what path my life would take without pain.

I don't know what to think about it. I do know what to think about the blackberry buckle. Yum.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 359 of 365

Things are getting wrapped up.
  • The curtains are up in the den. No more complaining about the sun in my eyes.
  • A new roof is on. No more putting off calling for estimates, no more complaining from the cat about the noise.
  • I'm starting on the re-do of my sewing room.
  • We've started shampooing our carpets. No more dirty socks.
  • I'll be filming my last tutorial here in the next couple days. Unless I come up with some brilliant ideas, the tutorials are taking a break.
  • I'm into my last week of the 365 picture-a-day project. The plans are coming together for what the next 365 days will hold.
  • The last batch of kids' quilts (at least for a couple weeks) are heading out the door.
  • A new roof and facia and soffit are on the shed. No more woodpecker issues or blackbirds nesting issues. But now it looks like I need to paint over my old artwork to make it really look sharp.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 358 of 365

Kitty is mad.

We made her sleep outside last night.  But she's not mad about that. We didn't give her any treats this morning. But she's not mad about that. I finally put curtains up in the den and she can't jump in the window anymore. But she's not mad about that. She lost the ponytail holder she plays with in hubby's pjs that he left on the floor. But she's not mad about that.

She's mad about the roof.

Since she stayed outside last night she was looking forward to a nice long doze in the house today. That little cat nap lasted all of two hours for her because right on the dot at 9 AM, the noise began. The footsteps turned into scraping and ripping. Then it was rolling. Then it was hammering. And she was scared.

The roofers came to replace our roof today. They tore off the old shingles, put on new paper, and re-shingled half the house so far.

Poor kitty couldn't stand it. She slinked into my sewing room and climbed as far back under the table as she could get. Behind the plastic containers, behind the polyester fiberfill, back to where no one could get to her. Even that didn't offer enough protection. She slinked out and away, down to hide somewhere in the basement. She didn't return until after they were gone for the day.

And she has been mad ever since. (I don't dare tell her they'll be back tomorrow.) Even without knowing that, tonight she'd rather glare at us instead of eat.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 357 of 365

My husband and I are always on the lookout for articles that talk about ways to prevent dementia (it's on both sides of our families). Everything we read and see has one thing in common - keeping the mind active.

The other day hubby was talking about taking classes when he retires as his choice for keeping the mind active. I told him to go for it. But I won't be taking a class with him.

We first met in the college library 29 years ago. We wound up taking a couple classes together after we were married, but I found out we take classes for different reasons. He takes a class for the social aspect; I take a class for the knowledge aspect. Those two don't necessarily combine when you're sitting next to each other in a classroom.

So no classes for me. Quilting is mentally challenging enough, especially when I'm trying to figure out measurements for a quilt. My Keepsake Quilting catalog came today and my mind is already swimming with possibilities for the next quilt. I don't buy the patterns, but rather look at the pictures to create my own custom-made size that fits the requirements for the different charities. I've already decided that the next quilt will be one from some of the fabric Paula generously donated to me on Day 336. (Thanks again, Paula!)

I only get to start on that next quilt because this batch for Quilts for Kids is ready to head out the door. It only seems fitting that the first donation quilt I made for a child on Day 11 was heart-themed and the last one I'm making during my 365 day run is heart-themed as well. (I even used some of the same fabric in both.)

Boy, how things haven't changed.