When we ordered Chinese food last week, my fortune cookie read:

In normal times, a fortune like this one would be exciting to get. It would be so fun contemplating all the possibilities! But we aren't in normal times, and with this summer being full of doctor appointments for me I was hesitant about what it meant. Well, it was the very next day after receiving the fortune that I found out. Remember eight years ago when the rheumatologist told me I'd be in a wheelchair in five years? While I showed him by getting three additional years (ha!), the joke's on me because I just crossed the line in the sand. Those chickens have come home to roost. My goose is cooked.
But I'm not here to talk about chickens or geese. I'm here to talk about my foster kitties, McKinley and Denali. Just look how far they have come!
At one day old...

At six weeks...
At eight weeks...

And now here at almost three months...

Tomorrow my beautiful babies will be having surgery and subsequently heading to the adoption floor. Up, up, and away to their brand new lives with a brand new family. (By the way, letting them go doesn't get any easier.)
Yep kitties, your lives are about to change forever. As will mine. For tomorrow I too will be trying to get a feel for my new life.
Goodbye, best-in-the-world kitties. Best of luck to us all.