Monday, August 9, 2021

Sewing My Way Through Life

The last you heard from me I was in the middle of trying to get little foster kitties healthy and ready for adoption. From when I got the three boys as one day old kitties way back on May 7 until the time they left my home, it was a rough go for all of us. For them it was a life of oral antibiotics, antibiotic ointments, three separate rounds of oral anti-fungal medications, and never getting to leave the isolation room (AKA my bathroom). For me it was a whirlwind of multiple changes of clothes a day, boxes and boxes of disposable gloves, gallons of bleach, and containers of laundry detergent. When we finally got the ringworm at bay, they headed to Simply Cats' adoption floor. Unfortunately, two of the three have still not been adopted. So they sit - and play and run and climb - at Simply Cats as they continue to wait for a loving forever home. A bit of a bummer situation.

Only one thing to do to keep my mind off those kinds of things I have no control over...

Sew. Well, sew and write. And goodness, have I been doing a lot of both!

As for sewing, the popularity of the vaccination card holders I've been making has exceeded anything I could have ever imagined. As of today, I have sewn - and sold - 1,283 of them. Wow.

Sew, sew, and sew some more!

If you're interested in getting your own vaccination card cover, I have 100+ fabrics available over several listings:

It has been fulfilling being able to provide something to support the health and safety of individuals and the community.

Friday, June 18, 2021

All of the Work and None of the Fun - Foster Kitten Friday

One of the biggest benefits to being a foster parent to bottle baby kitties is they think you're their mama. They love on you and snuggle with you and follow you wherever you go. You have a constant companion and a constant source of entertainment. 

But not so with these little fellas.

With the boys still in the isolation room (also know as my bathroom) I don't get to see them all that much. With their ringworm - and since they aren't bottle babies anymore - the contact I have with them is limited. Feed them, clean their litter and blankets and tub and floors, and give them a bit of loving. Each time I step in there I have to change my clothes, get gloves on, and have bleach water on hand and washing machine at the ready. It's a lot of work without a lot of payoff for the foster parent.

But the payoff for the kitties will be huge. They'll be ringworm free (hopefully) and ready to go into their forever home someday. They are just so darn cute someone will be thrilled to snap them up.

Just like most weeks, I'm only taking my phone in (and sterilizing it afterwards of course) one day a week to get some photos. Today's pictures are pretty representative of what I see every day when I'm in there.

Face full of food? Yep.
Trying to find a way out again? Yep.
Boxes are the best play toy.
Foster mama just can't keep my white fur white!
But I'm still a cutie, right?

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Party in Your PJs Tonight!

Remember, tonight is the Quilted Cow's Party in Your PJs Facebook Live Party. Fun fabrics and patterns for sale - including my most popular vaccine card holder pattern - and giveaways as well! 

Get registered and be ready at 7 PM CST (6PM for those of us in Idaho). I don't have Facebook or I'd share it properly, but you can find them right here:

Happy shopping (and sewing)!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Make a Decorative Pocket Tissue & Hand Sanitizer Holder - Tutorial Tuesday

For today's Tutorial Tuesday we are making a decorative pocket tissue holder with a pocket for your hand sanitizer and lip balm. A quick and easy three in one sewing project!

 For this project you will need:

Disclosure: Deb's Days is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you new sewing and crafting content.

Looking for more quick and easy projects? Check out these ideas!

Otherwise, you can just watch the  tutorial to make these homemade fabric pocket tissue holders with a pocket for your hand sanitizer and lip balm right here:

Friday, June 11, 2021

Foster Kitten Friday - Movin' on Up

Despite the week being full of the words like continued isolation (kitties) and quarantine (me) and of new eye infections (kitties) and hospitalizations and in-home antibody infusions (inner family circle), we made it through. Made it through and then some.

For this week was the one bottle baby foster parents dream of. The week the 'round the clock every-two-hour feedings seemed so far long ago. Yep, the kitties are growing up. And are WEANED. No more bottle babies here!

While they are self sufficient in the litter box and with eating off the plate, they are not so self sufficient in eating neatly. Or in cleaning up after themselves. 

What's the best way to eat off a plate? Curled up in the middle, of course.
Naptime, perhaps?
Does someone need their face wiped?
Yes, please.
Someone need help washing their hands paws?
Most definitely!
A messy week for all of us in so many ways, but the cuteness factor the kitties brought to the table made it a good one.