Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How to Make a 4th of July Flag Large Hotpad - Tutorial Tuesday

As we approach the 4th of July, it's time for picnics and gatherings. Unfortunately, this year we may have to go with at-home socially-distanced versions. Even if it's just you and the members of your household, today's hotpad project made with red, white, and blue fabric strips can add a little festiveness to your holiday.
July 4th Fabric Strip Large Hot Pad Sewing Project

For this project you will need:
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Looking for more potholder ideas? Check out some of my other projects!

You can find the step-by-step how to tutorial for the 4th of July flag large hot pad sewing project right here:

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Deb's Pic a Day Project

I started this blog as a personal diary in 2011 during a rough patch in life. Out of work, in pain, without much hopefulness or thankfulness in my system. I knew then I needed something to get out of my rut so I set a goal. A picture goal. A take-a-picture-every-day-to-see-that-you-have-lived kind of goal. My intent was to take a picture each and every day for a year. In the end I wound up with 1000 straight days of pictures and stories. Then I moved on.

Over the course of the last several years the blog has morphed into many different things. Then with COVID-19 having closed down our schools and businesses while we sequestered in our homes, it seemed like the right time to shift back to the picture a day, at least temporarily. So Deb's Pic a Day Project Part II began. It lasted only 101 days, but it was long enough to help me refocus. Help bring me back to looking for new and interesting and beautiful things around me.

You can find Deb's Pic a Day Part I (that's the 1000 days one) right here.
You can find Part II (the pandemic one) right here.

Tip: As you're reading the posts, when you get to the bottom of the page click on “Newer Post” to get to the next day.

Happy reading!