Saturday, June 27, 2020

Day 101 - The Long Haul

These last few months we've only been going out when absolutely necessary. Just doctor appointments and grocery pick ups (with one short visit to the home improvement store thrown in). We have not been inside a retail store, restaurant, or bar. No parks, trails, or campgrounds. To limit our exposure, we haven't even been able to hug our daughter.

With our outings confined to just the absolute necessities, we saw enough to know. Seeing as many people as we did crowded into spaces with no respect for social distancing and no masks being worn, we knew. 

We're in it for the long haul. 

We made it through several months already, but Mr. Ed and I are starting to mentally prepare ourselves for what is still to come. For the remainder of this year there will be no mall walks, no dining out, and no shopping in the stores. No traveling and no cruises. (Basically, many more months of the same.) Our county has become a hot spot and with the attitude of so many folks it's going to be that way for the foreseeable future. I'm afraid the behaviors of others will be impacting our lives for a long time to come. 

As we expect we'll need to stay away from the general public for many months more, we've started stocking up on food and supplies. We've started pacing ourselves with the home improvement projects. While we had been trying to get them all done in the summer, we are quite certain we need to save some for fall and winter to keep ourselves from going stir crazy.

I'm also needing to pace myself on the blog. I started back with my Picture a Day Project 101 days ago to get us through this time. Thought we'd be done by now, but boy was I wrong. As I can't see being able to find another 101+ days of pictures while still being stuck at home, this will be the last of the daily posts. I'll still be back on Tuesdays for the tutorials and Fridays with the foster kitties, though!

So as my last of the daily photos, today I took some that seemed to reflect the good/bad nature of life these days.

I came oh-so-close to grabbing this huge, nasty, ugly slug as I was picking the rhubarb this morning.
Even if I had grabbed him, it might have been worth it. Okay, probably not. But if not for picking the rhubarb I wouldn't have made this delicious strawberry rhubarb pie. It is so good! (I have the recipe here, if you'd to make your own.)
For some reason, wasps are making a nest in our sunflowers. I'm allergic to them (the wasps, not the sunflowers) so I really don't like them.
Caught ya in the act, buddy. Here comes the spray!
No more wasps means I can find yet another beautiful sunflower to take a picture of.
Having to be up before sunrise to feed kitties (ugh, I don't like mornings) means I get another beautiful sunrise picture.
Remember, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to start over. I think we're all ready for a do-over, aren't we?

Thanks for following along with me these last 101 days. I'll see you back here on Tuesday for a new sewing project and Friday with foster kitties!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Day 100 - Foster Kitten Friday

If you read yesterday's blog post, you know Sage and Thyme's time has come and they are ready for their forever homes. They were neutered yesterday and are headed to the adoption floor at Simply Cats. Before they left, we all had some grand times together this week.

Sage learned he liked to watch Westerns.
Thyme figured he might as well follow his brother's lead.

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

They all decided they liked the morning sunshine. The easy-to-climb wicker was a welcome bonus.
Toy theft was a popular activity. Come close and you'll get a deep growl from somewhere in that tiny body.
Can't get the toy back? Might as well give up and fall asleep instead.
What, kittens sleeping? Oh, yeah.
In between toy stealing and sleeping they somehow found time to pose for pictures.
It's amazing how fast they grow up. Remember from the first Foster Friday in May when they looked like this? I had tried to put them in the proper order and they wouldn't go for it then.
Left to right: Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, Thyme.
Now they sit still and even look at the camera. And they stayed in the right order for me!
Left to right: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme.
The boys may be gone now, but the girls are still here. We'll see what kind of trouble we all can get into (or stay out of). Stay tuned for an update next Friday!