Saturday, January 27, 2018

Princess Cruises Seawalk

It's Wanderlust Wednesday! Today we're talking about the Seawalk on Princess Cruises.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights,” she said, shimmying along the edge.
“Not heights,” he murmured. “Just falling.” 
― Victoria Schwab, This Savage Song

Just a few years back I used to be afraid of heights. I was even too afraid to step onto a hotel balcony in 2012. But now I'm good. I've been on balconies and suspension bridges and platforms hanging over canyons.

It's difficult to conquer a fear of heights. Some people I know are afraid to get near cruise ship railings for fear of falling. The railings are 48" so unless you really try you won't be falling over the ship. Unfortunately the news makes it sound like falling overboard is easy. Don't worry, it's not.

For everyone who is not fearful of heights, take a look up at this part of the ship hanging over the water.
Now let's walk on that walkway and look down.  It's called a Seawalk on the Royal, Regal, and Majestic Princess. Yep, the ship is at sea and that is the ocean down below.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Friday 15

“I really think guys only need two pairs of shoes. A nice pair of black shoes and a pair of Chuck Taylors.” 
― Mindy Kaling, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

For a woman I have very few shoes. No heels, no wedges, no ballet flats. Just two pair of work shoes, one in brown and one black. Two pair of athletic shoes. A pair of dressy sandals and three pair of casual. Slippers.

And that's it. Because as part of today's Friday 15 I'm sending three more on their way. Add those to the two pair of sweat pants, one pair of dress pants, and one swimsuit.
 Then add the eight things I sold on eBay this week.
15 more things are outta here!