Monday, July 7, 2014


I'm torn about today's picture. Do I put up the über-cool X-ray taken at the doctor's office today? The new knee joint, the rebuilt kneecap, the awesome looking staples holding the incision together?

Or do I put a picture of an empty porch? The same porch I took a picture of yesterday, only this time minus the cat? Ms. Too-Big-For-Her-Britches Country Cat-turned-City Cat decided to wander a little too far this morning. How far? We're not quite sure, but it must have been a ways because she has yet to wander back home. And she had been so good about sticking close by the Boise place! I'm still holding out hope that she'll return so I'll wait on the empty porch picture.

So let's go with something more interesting.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

City Cat

While it's been hot here (100 degrees +) I've made sure to get outside everyday. One day I walked to the corner and back to exercise my knee but mostly I just walk back and forth in the driveway and do a good bit of sitting in the shade. Each time we go out we make sure the kitty comes outside, too.

Our kitty has always been a country cat. But now that we have her in Boise with us I guess she can call herself a city cat. Although she's not into exploring much of the neighborhood. In fact, she doesn't move too far off the porch.