Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to Make Fabric Covered Buttons - Day 153 of 365, Tutorial Tuesday

It's tutorial Tuesday!

My new goal is to, every Tuesday, post a tutorial along with the day's picture. It might be a food item or a craft item. This last week I've had a poll running about what today's video should be about. You voted and today's tutorial will be...

Fabric covered buttons.

Looking for more sewing and crafting projects? 

Homemade Fabric Covered Buttons Craft Project

These buttons go together in a similar fashion to those fabric covered Dick and Jane magnets I made on Day 41. In fact, today's tutorial will include directions to make magnets as well.

Let me know what you think.

Also, if you ever use one of my pictures or tutorials to make your own product, be sure to take picture - I'd love to share it here.

Disclosure: Deb's Days is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you new sewing and crafting content.

Find the step-by-step how to tutorial to make your own homemade fabric covered buttons or magnets right here:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 152 of 365

The day is almost here. Or should I say, the days are almost here.

It's time to go back to work.

For the past year and a half, my focus has been on surviving and recovering from three separate surgeries. Then it was working on becoming pain-pill free. Then, getting through each day and having something to show for it. Focusing on my house and family. A big focus on sewing projects for charity. Other than a few bad dreams about school and a couple meetings and visits to school here and there, I've been school-free, work-free.

It all changes tomorrow. A couple days of meetings. Then, time to get my office in order and time to get studying up on some of my responsibilities.

I'm surprised I'm back at it.

I almost left education several years back. After 11 years, I'd had enough of being an elementary school teacher. I was disheartened by the system, by the politics. At the same time I was contemplating leaving, a new position came up. A position funded by a three year grant. I could do three years in that position. It would be something new - new experiences, new knowledge, and then I'd move on. Out of education.

But that three year grant turned into a four year grant. And then it went on for five years. And then the money was stretched out for six years. All along, I kept thinking it would be my last year in education. And every year, the grant money extended my position. All through those years I continued to get deeper and deeper into the education system. In addition to my job with the school district, I became a Technology Integration Specialist, a Certified Trainer for a textbook company, and an Independent Consultant for other school districts.

Now I've given up teaching technology classes. I took a leave of absence from my full-time school job over a year ago. I've stopped doing trainings for the textbook company, and in these last couple weeks have turned over my consulting to someone else.

I thought maybe my days working in education would be over this time.

It wouldn't be. I am going back to education. Back to the same building, the same office, but a different job. A new challenge, new experiences, and another opportunity to build new knowledge. Guess it's not time for me to leave after all.

And the other day that's almost here?

The day I send the turtles on their way. They're just about done.