Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Quick and Easy Mitered Binding - Tutorial Tuesday

For today's Tutorial Tuesday we'll be learning a simple technique for mitering corners when sewing and quilting. Sure, you can purchase a mitering tool like this one, but if you prefer the DIY method, here's the way I've been doing it when doing the fold-over binding method.

Note: For this example, 1" of my backing is showing so I'm marking 1" from the corner. If the backing is 2" I would measure 2", if 3" of the backing was showing I would measure 3" from the corner, etc.

•Measure 1” away from each corner and mark. Draw a straight line to connect the marks. Cut on the line.

•Fold the raw edge corner over the corner of the batting and front fabric. Press. 

•Fold one of the sides so the raw edge of the fabric meets the raw edge of the batting and press. 

•Fold the backing over one more time so it becomes the binding on the front. Press.

•Fold the other side in so the raw edge of the fabric meets the raw edge of the batting and press. 

•Fold the backing fabric over one more time on one side and press. Adjust your corner as needed.

That's it. Easy peasy!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Make Your Own Fabric Christmas Light Bulb Bunting - A Quick and Easy DIY Garland Project

Today we're making another garland, a Christmas light bulb one! It's another quick and easy handmade sewing project to get your home ready for the Christmas holiday. This bunting is great way to decorate your tree, mantel, wall, or anywhere else in your home you'd like to add a pop of color. You could even use the Christmas lights as handmade Christmas tree ornaments! This DIY holiday sewing project is a great one for beginners, too. 

Handmade Christmas light bulb fabric garland and bunting
For this project you will need:
• fabric for the light bulbs
• fabric for the light bulb tops
jute or twine
• fabric clips or pins
• iron 
• always helpful for sewing: scissorsrotary cuttercutting rulercutting mat 

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The written pattern contains step-by-step how-to directions, photos, light bulb template, and link to the video tutorial to make a 8’-9’ long bunting with 20-24 fabric Christmas light bulbs each measuring approximately 2½" x 4".  It's an instant digital download pattern so you can start on your project right away.

Looking for a different holiday bunting? Check out some of my others!

Or just hang with us as we make the Christmas light bulb bunting: