Friday, February 23, 2018

The Friday 15 - Oops, I Mean 95

“Having too much of anything results in chaos, confusion and clutter.” 
― Geralin Thomas, Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets

Have you ever looked at your things and wondered why you had so much of a certain item? I just did.

When I first started the Friday 15 it was easy. Getting rid of 15 things every Friday? No problem. We had a significant downsizing happening a couple years back but I knew there were still things needing to head out the door. As the weeks have progressed I've had to get creative in where I looked.

  • Ebay has been very helpful in getting things gone. 38 items sold in the last two months. Yay.
  • Even though we don't pay for magazine subscriptions we still have things coming in the mail. AAA sends VIA, AARP sends their magazine, Princess Cruises sends theirs, and thanks to TMobile Tuesday Women's Day is now heading in the door. Read them quickly and then away they go.
  • Tutorial project samples. I've been filming tutorials but usually have no need for the things I've created. Usually it's because I had already made the item long ago but needed a new one to show the step-by-step process.
  • Sewing room and office junk. We technically no longer have an office but we do have a corner where we keep some things. Too many things. Like page protectors.  

Thanks to all of those places where I usually find extra stuff, today's Friday 15 is actually a Friday 95.

  • Two items on eBay. (It was a slow week.)
  • Five magazines.
  • A cord holder. (I kept the new one made in the tutorial so the old one is going away.)
  • A clipboard. Didn't need it for the other tutorial.
  • And a grand total of 86 never used page protectors. (Seriously, I counted. What the heck???)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” ― Karl Lagerfeld

I have a list of things I've either done or want to do at different places around the world. It's broken down by country and/or island. Some places have five things I want to do. Some only have one.

Dominica is one of the places that I can pretty much check off as finished. I've snorkeled over the Champagne Reef, a place where very warm water from underground volcanic activity seeps through the floor of the ocean. The result is a warm and bubbly snorkeling experience.

I've sat on a ship docked at the container port and watched a rainbow form over the rainforest.
I sat long enough to see a double rainbow form.
But probably the most favorite thing was sitting on deck and watching local kids play soccer near the water's edge.