Sunday, July 13, 2014

She's Tired

Pain pills are making me tired. What is kitty's excuse?

Friday, July 11, 2014

I am a Warrior

Or at least I felt like one today.

This morning I walked - without the walker - into physical therapy. I walked in there with my bandage off, my line of staples showing. Parked myself on the treadmill where I did 10 minutes. Did the rest of my exercises (okay, not so easy) but felt like a warrior every time I looked down at the staples. Warrior at therapy.

Son-in-law, hubby, and I went to a restaurant for lunch. Downtown at noon, parallel parking scarce. I got out of the car, stood on the curb, staples showing, and directed my driver into a very tight parking spot. Warrior on the sidewalk.

I walked - again without the walker - to the restaurant. Looking at those staples as we sat outside waiting for a table. Warrior.

After coming home, taking some pain medicine, icing the knee, and taking a nap I still felt like a warrior. Even more so after I hooked myself up to my TENS unit.

Warrior? Maybe Frankenstein.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Eat, Sleep, Drink, Repeat

I could be talking about myself and how I spend my days but I'm really talking about the cat. Her two day off-campus adventure has left her focusing on the basics. Eating, sleeping, drinking. Mostly sleeping. And continuing to pull out her fur. Her belly is almost naked.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Looked What the Cat Dragged In


Two worrisome days later missy decides to show up at the Boise place. A little dirtier, a little skinnier, and a little hungrier. Hopefully she's also a little wiser.