Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 938

While working with scraps seem to take forever, they are sure worth the effort!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 937

Like Hawaiian fajitas hubby said.

We thought we only had boring fish left on the eating-through-the-Alejandra's-menu project. How wrong we were.

Vallarta Style Shrimp. Super spicy and sweet, served in half a pineapple. Wow. And yum.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 936

I'm making good use of the scraps. Those that are too tiny are getting tossed in the tiny-scrap basket. Those tiny scraps will come together and become filling for pet beds at the animal shelter. That is if I can get our cat off of them.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 935

Do you know someone who knows someone who knows someone? If so, I may need their help.

11 fabric stacks. 25 stockings per stack. 11 x 25 = 275 stockings cut.

I'm out of fabric and I'm 125 short from my Stockings for Soldiers 400 stocking goal. Anyone know anyone who might have some Christmas fabric floating around? I could sure use it!

Let's see how creative I can get with scraps now.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 934

My daughter is so amazing. She turned the front of our place in Boise from this
To this. 