Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 839

When you take a picture every day you have to pay attention. Pay attention to the things around you. Inside, outside, up in the sky, and down on the ground.

Thanks to looking at the ground, in the gravel, in the parking lot outside the city park, I found today's picture. I also found some little guy's (or girl's) teeny tiny lego pieces just as they left them.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 838

I've still been on this "suck out all the marrow of life" kick. While the combination of the rheumatoid arthritis and the lung thing did it to me, Alaska really did it to me. The freedom of the scooter, the ability to go wherever, do whatever. Makes me want to do even more. Go all out.

So perhaps that was what was in my head as we were driving down the freeway the other day when I blurted out to hubby. I think I should get a tattoo next, I say.

Neither one of us have ever had a tattoo, never even thought of getting one. But at that exact moment hubby thought it was a great idea and even knew what it should say:

Live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.

Yea. I think that's good. So when I shared with my daughter where I wanted it - somewhere where it could be seen, yet hidden - she nixed it. Too much, mom. It'll hurt there and that's not a good place for all those words. Where did I want it? Only where someone who is on the edge of busting through the marrow -someone who is teetering on the edge of wild - would think.

All over the fingers. Too bad permanent marker rubs off. Guess I gotta rethink this one.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 837

I relinquished control today.

I sent hubby into Dairy Queen with my cash to buy himself an ice cream cake for Father's Day. I would usually be the one to pick out the cake (or at least influence the choice) but I figured it was time for me to stop that. At least when it comes to the rare ice cream cake purchase.

I shouldn't have been too surprised when chocolate-loving hubby came out with a cake called Chocolate Extreme. It looks a little messy after we left it to soften a bit before cutting into it, but he sure didn't mind.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 836

That darn cat. Still picking at her fur just like she was months ago when we took her to the vet. Psychogenic alopecia was the diagnosis.

Guess she's proud of it. Why else would she want to show all of us how pink the skin is on her tummy when there's no fur to hide it?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 835

It's the same routine. Head to the infusion lab, feet up, IV in. Sit for a couple hours. Head home, feet up in my recliner. Sit and work on school stuff a bit. Take a nap. Get up feeling groggy and icky. Go back to bed. Wake up the next day not feeling much better. Tired, dizzy, and just overall not too super.

The only thing that might change is the working on school stuff. That would be because kitty thinks if my feet are up in the recliner it's her opportunity to sit in my lap. But if I have something in my lap, like say a laptop? Guess that laptop is just as warm as my lap top.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 834

How do you know the chicken fajita special you ordered at Alejandra's is bubbly hot? Look at the bubbles around the edge. Yummy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 833

Poor kitty. She looks nice and comfortable and fat and puffy here.Well, she's not fat and puffy. It's clear that she is tiny and getting much, much older. How do I know this?

Because the first time - ever - I gave her a bath. (I know, I know, neglectful, huh?)

Poor kitty.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 832

Can you tell where I spent my night by the looks of this picture?
Hospital. Sleep study number two.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 831

If you haven't taken a road trip lately I highly recommend it. Such pretty sights are out there! All pictures were taken on the Marsing to Seattle to Portland to Marsing road.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 830

We have tried growing rhododendrons more than once. They love that moist, cool, acidic soil. Unfortunately we live in a dry, hot, alkali area so despite how hard we work at trying to make them grow, they always die on us. Thank goodness we take vacations and stop at Oregon rest areas that have such pretty foliage.

Can you spot the bumblebees and caterpillar?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 829

Last year I conquered my fear of heights. This year I didn't really have any plans of conquering any other fears. Until my daughter reminded me, as we were walking in the zoo, that they had a bat exhibit.

I remember the bat exhibit from last time. I may have had a bum knee back then but it didn't stop me from getting out of there as quickly as possible. I think I only snapped one picture then (being that I was terrified to take any others). It's not like they were out to get me, it was just that they were gross, disgusting, icky, and nasty.

So this time I was determined to stay in that area and study those bats. Sit and just be with them. Even though there again was glass separating them from me it still made me a bit squeamish. But I stayed. Stayed and got some amazing pictures of feeding time. I still don't like bats, but now I'm fascinated with the pictures - and excited about my bravery.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 828

I'm not big into zoos but daughter loves them. She remembers going to the Portland Zoo several years ago and was desperate to return. Last time around I hadn't yet had my knee replaced so I didn't wander around the joint with her. But this time she insisted I go with. Thanks to Scooter, I did. And thanks to my new digital camera I was able to capture some good pictures. Here are my five favorite.

I might be wrong but it looks like the frog is throwing gang signs at me.
One of these birds wet on me, Scooter, and my camera. Not fun.
This flamingo never moved from this position.
Looks kind of scary to me.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 827

Ever heard of Voodoo Doughnuts? If you've watched the Food Network or Travel Channel you probably have. A crazy place in Portland, Oregon offering crazy doughnut concoctions. We had to wait in a snaking line out the door in the middle of the afternoon to snag our choices.

As you can see in the picture the chocolate on the voodoo dolls melted a bit before we got to the hotel. We also got grape, Fruit Loops, Oreos, rice krispies/chocolate/peanut butter, and a few others.  My favorite was the one topped with powdered Tang and hubby's was the Bacon Maple Bar. Can you believe a maple bar with bacon on top?!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 826

I met two other Scooters just like mine! One I met in town (she was traveling on another ship) and the other I met on our ship. The gal on our ship - the one with the exact same scooter, the one with bad knees and a lung problem, the one who uses a cane and supplemental oxygen (and I'm not talking about me) - is a traveler. 29 cruises to date. She has four planned for just this year.

That meeting gave me hope. Hope that I can continue to live life fully despite the limitations I have going on. No need to sit around feeling sorry for myself. In fact, just last night hubby said he was proud of me. Proud of me for getting out there and living life. Not many people with lungs like yours would go on a cruise, let alone do everything you've just done, he tells me.

Heck, if Scooter likes driving me into town for Thai food over nothing but bumpy wooden walkways (ouchy on the rump),  loves hanging out over the edge of a cruise ship ledge, and has fun going down (not so fun going up) the ramps to see Multomah Falls who knows where she'll take me next!