Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 908

Every day is a blessing. The universe works in my favor and knows what is best for me. It was confirmed again today.

I received an email this morning canceling a meeting that was scheduled at my second job (or is it my third?). That meant no driving, no dress clothes. A day in my home by myself, a day to work through infusion side effects. An unexpected semi-free time day.

It may have taken me forever to make tonight's dinner but I did it. If I didn't have today to myself I wouldn't have been able to pace myself like I did. The first meal I've cooked in ages. Oven baked chicken, homemade oven baked onion rings, some frozen veggies, and the easiest (and most delicious) homemade peach cobbler.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 907

When I dragged myself in the door yesterday I found that a new set of pictures came. Pictures from the military base in Alaska. Pictures of kids and dads and moms in the service. Pictures for me to put into quilts.

Then today I kept rubbing and reading my tattoo - a way to get myself out of bed, a way to motivate myself to try to overcome post-infusion side effects.

Put the two days together and I made it to the sewing room long enough to pick out some of the new fabrics to use in one of the new quilts.

Baby steps.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 906

I finally got proof that there is an owl close by. A single feather left on our patio.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 905

I wonder which picture would win a bizarre picture contest.

A close up of a drop of water on the tablecloth at today's meeting or the infusion I had after today's meeting.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 904

I got to kitty cat babysit at our place in Boise last night. While kiddo's kitty got in a bit of trouble by trying to jump on a kitchen counter during the night it sure is hard to scold her.

Just look at those eyes! Such a doll.