Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 875

Have you ever seen such mess? Might as well feature my sewing room on the next episode of Hoarders.

Guess going on vacation when you're ready to start listing things on eBay is a bad idea. Also letting your daughter take one of your bookshelves right before you leave might not be the smartest thing to do. When you haven't a thought about where to put the bunches of stuff that came off that bookshelf? Especially stupid.

Maybe the better word is embarrassing.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 874

We may have a tiny cat (remember her bath?) but she sure has some long legs.

Curled up on the arm of the recliner, sleeping away, with one long front leg hanging down. Kind of like the way a teenager might sleep, don't you think?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 873

When I saw this sign by the gas station this morning I knew it was speaking to me. But my goal today is small. Get through my infusion. Period.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 872

Yep, Lisa, kitty was happy to see us.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 871

There is a reason we went out of our way to go through Walla Walla, Washington. It's because of their onions, of course. If you've never had a Walla Walla onion you're missing out. And it just so happens they have something going on this weekend.

How about a huge blooming onion made fresh as you look on? It was yummy.

As we were watching the onion eating contest hubby decided it would be a good time to try a caramel onion. A Walla Walla dipped in caramel. He thought it was delicious.

And Scooter came in handy when we bought a bag of onions to take home. Unfortunately home will be our destination tomorrow. Suck the Marrow Tour Part Two is coming to an end.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 870

I might be deemed crazy for taking pictures of elevator doors. But I couldn't resist when I saw the elevator in our Leavenworth hotel, The Bavarian Lodge.
First floor  elevator door
Second floor elevator door
Third floor elevator door
But to prove I'm not crazy I took a regular-type picture of the Columbia River on our way to Walla Walla, Washington.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 869 Leavenworth, Washington

Lyrics from a Zac Brown Band song:
I got my toes in the water, a** in the sand
Not a worry in the world, a cold beer drink in my hand
Life is good today, life is good today.

Since we started the Suck the Marrow Tour Part 2 hubby has been singing those lyrics. All the places we've been - Hood River, Mt. Hood, Portland, Cannon Beach, Mount St. Helens, Mt. Rainier, Seattle, Alaska - I never could get Scooter close enough to the water to let me dip my toes.

Until today.

For behind the Bavarian town of Leavenworth, Washington, behind all the shops and restaurants, down a steep gravel road, across winding dirt paths through trees and forest, Scooter found her way. A few steps by me down a little sandy embankment, and bingo!

I even waded out a bit more to get some pictures of the Wenatchee River.

Then I found what I want to try next! But after watching a while I decided it might take too much lung capacity. Dang. 
Then as we were eating lunch at South, a Mexican restaurant (Delicious Mexican food in a German town? Go figure.) I saw what I really want to try next. But I imagine my screams would probably use up all the oxygen. Darn.
As I said to hubby after we walked  huffed and puffed Scooter back up the steep hills that had lead to the river when all else fails, I can take pictures.
The hotel.
 The village of Leavenworth.

Dinner at Muchen Haus.
 All the mustards to choose from.
Yep, life is good today, life is good today.