Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 790

For the past two days I got up out of bed.

You might be thinking so what? Let me clarify that. For the past two days I got up out of bed with no pain.

For the first time in close to ten years my body let me get up out of bed. And move. And shower. And get dressed. And eat my breakfast. All with no pain.

The miracle of infusions.

I wish I could say all is great. But I still can't breathe. Once I get out of bed and move, I can't breathe. When I shower I can't breathe. When I get dressed I can't breathe. When I eat my breakfast I can't breathe. And every single time I make any movement I can't catch my breath, I can't get any air.

I feel like the picture I took today of the auto parts store. I'm so raring to go, but something is holding me back...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 789

No, daughter isn't engaged yet. Boyfriend asked permission from us, but no ring on her finger yet. And yep, Lisa, Macys is her employer. Still no guesses on his from anyone?

How about this one - can you guess how pretty dew is on violets?

Pretty darn pretty, I say.