Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 702

If you've been with me since the beginning you know I started taking pictures because of the cat. (The details can be found on Day 9.) So it is because of her - and because of you sticking around with me, encouraging me along the way - that I will be sharing some exciting news on Sunday.

Exciting, but scary. Makes me nervous to think about it. It's one of those if not now, when? kind of things. And for some unknown reason I've decided the time is now. I've been keeping it hidden and didn't even tell my husband until today.

I'll certainly need you close by, cheering me on. It's a biggie for me.

So please come back on Sunday - even Monday or Tuesday if you want - and find out what has me so terrified but excited.

Kitty is neither one right now.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 701

From Easter to Valentine's Day I think I've got things covered. Yesterday's Easter quilt is on hold because I'm getting things ready for Valentine's Day.

A Valentine tutorial, that is. Yup, time to start the tutorials again. They've missed me and I've missed them.

First one up will be this coming Tuesday. We'll be using these materials:
Come back on Tuesday to see what we have going on!