Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 584

I never suspected going to the grocery store would cause me to dig out a tennis ball. (Although a softball would have been a better model.)

Softball-sized peaches, the biggest I've ever seen in my life for 78 cents a pound. After eating just one hubby has decided we need to make a cobbler because they are just too big and unwieldy to eat.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 583

A few things occurred to me today.

A. My husband is a much nicer person now than before he got sick. Don't know how or why it happened, but he certainly has changed for the better.

B. When it comes to quilts my time management sucks. I've had some quilt tops I made for Quilts for Kids that I never got around to finishing, some from as long ago as March. They've been sitting, and sitting, and sitting. I'm now working on getting them sandwiched and quilted, but have absolutely no good reason as to why I didn't finish them up earlier.

C. I keep forgetting to stop and smell the roses. This evening when six o'clock rolled around and I didn't yet have a picture of the day I headed outside to find some type of fall scene. I cruised the rose garden and saw several roses that had been nipped by the frost but many roses still in full bloom. Knowing I've taken plenty of pictures of roses over the past couple summers I automatically passed them by. In my head I kept thinking, there isn't anything spectacular out here. Only as I started to leave the rose garden did I realize everything around me was spectacular.

How could someone look at this and not think spectacular?