You'd think I'd have a good excuse (or multiple excuses) as to why I haven't being keeping up on the blog. But I don't. Call it lazy, call it...well, just plain lazy. I've been keeping up on the pictures. Been taking one almost every day. Except the writing hasn't followed. It takes brain power to write and quite frankly my brain power has been lacking lately.
So here's the what's been going on the last few months scoop.
It has been a summer of mostly non-travel. Sticking around home. Building relationships with others. Buying a bike and riding it. Doing home improvement projects. Fostering baby kitties. Quilting quilts for kids' charities. Hanging out with hubby who is now on disability. Deciding to go back to work, even though I was pretty confident I would quit and never return. Joining the YMCA. Learning to paint. Gardening. Going to baseball games. Turning 50. Still working on my 50 by 50 list, those 50 new things I wanted to do before I turned 50.
And here's a slew of pictures I've been holding on to. Some have made it to Instagram and Twitter, a place of very few words.
Guess it's time for me to find my brain power and fire this thing up again.