Thursday, September 13, 2018

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, September 13

Hello from a warm and cloudy day at sea.
There were a couple things that happened last night worth mentioning. First, our new cabin steward rocks it in the animal towel department. He heard about our old steward doing my Tutorial Tuesday video onYouTube and I think our new guy is ready to show off his skills, too. Before we headed to the Most Traveled Guest Party he took about two minutes to make us this:
I think I might have to feature his work on a Tutorial Tuesday, too. It has been so fun to see the stewards excited to show off! And they both showed off more when they were the stewards featured in today's towel animal demonstration in the Piazza. (I'm including the video here so they can send it back home to their family and friends.)

The second thing worth mentioning that happened last night is one of the worst examples of a passenger's behavior I've ever seen. Sometimes at the Most Traveled Guest parties a passenger may use the time to complain about something. But last night, near the end of what was a great evening with great conversation (hi, Raymond!) the passengers sitting next to us called over the pastry chef. They proceeded to demean and degrade him and tell him how terrible of a job he did. The lady said it was a good thing he wasn't around the night before when she was forced to eat disgusting Black Forest Cake at dinner because if he had she would have jumped him. Like physically. She went on and on and on - and she was loud about it. It was embarrassing to watch. I have never seen anyone, let alone one of the top 40 most traveled passengers on Princess, be so abusive to someone on the ship. While we didn't intervene in the verbal beating, I did go find him afterwards and tell him her behavior was uncalled for. I also told him the peanut butter and jelly macarons from today's party (and last week's party) were to die for. And he gave me a hug.
So delicious!
Other things of note around the ship:
*The International Cafe gals are just amazing. Every morning along with hubby's coffee they deliver special treats. Today they were Dove chocolates with sayings inside the wrappers. We were both so anxious to see what the wrappers said that we ate all six chocolates.

*My $100 loyalty credit from this cruise finally posted. Woo hoo! So if hubby hadn't visited the medical center we would be walking off the ship after 31 days with absolutely no charges to our account. But even with the medical center charges we've done darn great in the ship spending department. Plus travel insurance will reimburse the charges.
*We get off on Deck 4 when going ashore in port. Yes, at every single port this entire trip. (Fort Lauderdale is the only place where they are different decks.) After spending so much time in Alaska where tides fluctuate greatly and they change decks frequently, it's nice to have the consistency of knowing exactly where to go. 
*After hubby's last fall he can't get out of bed by himself anymore. So to give me more room to help lift him out, we had to have the steward change our beds from a queen set up to a twin set up. The only downside is the sheets on the twin beds slip around much more than on the queen bed. Toss and turn too much and your bottom sheet winds up being half off the bed by morning.
*I got back to the cabin after lunch and we had yet another bouquet. Thank you, thank you!

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. You can find today's post here.

Want to see how we got here? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. 
Check it out:
Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

Encouraging Words Money Pocket Drop Off:
In Skywalkers as I was writing this blog post.

We're off to the Dominican Republic tomorrow.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Caribbean Princess in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Hello from San Juan! You know it's going to be a good day when the ship's bridge cam view looks like this all day.
We love San Juan. It's probably one of our favorite non-cruise places in the world. In fact, in all our visits to San Juan this is the first time we've arrived by cruise ship. Usually we just fly here and spend a few days eating, drinking, and relaxing. We know this town. And we are so happy to be back.

It's our first visit post-hurricane. When the hurricane hit and pictures and stories started coming back to the mainland from Puerto Rico, we were heartbroken. We still carry sadness in our hearts over the US government's response. While there isn't anything we can personally do, we can spend our tourist dollars here.

When we stay here we always avoid the cruise port (and cruise passengers) so we can have a more authentic Puerto Rican experience. But with hubby still not feeling sprightly, we couldn't veer too far from port. We bought him a t-shirt to replace his old San Juan one at home that has long since been faded and stretched out. We sat in the shade drinking fresh squeezed lemonade and watched the goings on around the food trucks.

Since the hurricane our go-to spot for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is closed on Wednesdays. So instead we stopped at Tijuana's. It's tucked away down by the water near the cruise port. You'd miss it if you weren't looking for it. Those are the kinds of places we like.
 We shared a delicious plate of beef fajita enchiladas with rice and beans.

It was a great day. I would have liked to do more, but with hubby it's just not possible to get too far from the ship right now. I have plenty of San Juan photos from previous visits, but here is one my all time favorites I took as we were getting ready to land at the airport.
How can you not love a city this beautiful?

Some other things from today:
*I went up to talk to our old cabin steward about his towel animal video I posted on YouTube yesterday. His family back home were so excited to see him making towel animals on the internet. His six year old son couldn't believe his dad knew how to do it! His wife has been sharing it with family and friends and posting it to Facebook. I am happy I was able to be part of him feeling like a movie star today.
*The gals in International Cafe saw the picture I posted of them yesterday and the thank you I wrote. They were surprised to see how important they really are in a passenger's life. One gal is sharing with her mom what we wrote. Her parents should be proud. 

We have the Most Traveled Guest Party tonight up in Skywalkers. Again, if I take food pics I'll post them when we get back.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. You can find today's post here.

Want to see how we got here? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. 
Check it out:Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

Encouraging Words Money Pocket Drop Off:
Left on Deck 5. You can pretty much guess where.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Caribbean Princess in St. Thomas

Before I get started with anything about the day I have some thank yous I'd like to dole out today. 
  • Thank you to those who understand the importance kind words have on others. To those who understand choosing to be joyful makes all the difference. And to everyone who has been emailing me to share stories of  your own encouraging words/dollar bill projects, please continue to spread your love and gratitude. 
  • Thank you to the gals working in the International Cafe on the Caribbean Princess. You give my husband a reason to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how much pain he is in. Readers, if you see any of these ladies, please give them a hug and tell them thank you for their kindness to Ed.
  • Thank you to John Padgett from the Carnival Corporation for allowing me insight into the inner workings of the Medallion roll-out process and for the support you've given me as I work at delivering an honest account of my experiences on the ship. I hope you've found my coverage fair and factual. And thank you to the team - from Vicki and Francois to Korli and Andrew. All of you have been extremely helpful and supportive as I've asked my dozens and dozens (and dozens) of questions. 
  • Thank you to those people who understand how much work blogging from a cruise ship every day really is. While I'd like to say I can sit down at the computer and type something up in a few minutes time, I can't. I have to think it through quite a bit before I ever start writing. Then I write and re-rewrite and proof it. I then post it and BAM, find mistakes. As much as I'd like to be perfect I'm not. I enjoy what I'm doing and if what I share is a little bit helpful to others I'm a really happy camper.

Okay, back to the day. 
Hello from St. Thomas! Three visits to St. Thomas and three visits to The Smoking Rooster. 
Can't beat days like this one.

The guys doing the smoking had already finished up for the day. Darn!
But Tish, the server who has been taking care of us these past few visits, had already put in our drink order before we ever sat down. Thanks, Tish! 
She's also the one who last week recommended an amazing drink, the Blue Parrot Tail. Oh, my. Just look at all the rum that Lily the bartender puts in that thing!

And the BBQ at The Smoking Rooster? It's just darn good.

Today we even had live music today from St. Groovus.

It was a no other place day. What's that? I wrote about it here over a year ago.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. You can find today's post here.

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:

Encouraging Words Money Pocket Drop Off:
I left it in a sugar container at International Cafe. Two couples who are blog readers know exactly where I was sitting.
Can you believe I ran out of labels today?
Tomorrow we are off to San Juan.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Tutorial Tuesday - How to Make Towel Animals

Ever thought about how towel animals are made? Me, too. Thanks to our gracious cabin steward, last week I found out how to make a dog and rabbit.

Take a look at my guest instructor at work!
You can find the video here:

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Letter I Wrote

Those who know me know I believe in the power of the Universe. I believe in The Secret. I believe in the power of positive thinking. That if you look for the good you will find the good. I believe life is flippin' amazing and each day will be amazingly awesome.

I also believe in the writings of Pam Grout. Check her out here. Along with the powerful books she's written, she's the one who gave me the idea of doing the encouraging word money pockets. When I hear the stories of people who have wound up finding the ones I've dropped off I am awe-inspired at the power a few kind words can have on a person. I also have people telling me about their own encouraging word projects. Just today I had an e-mail from someone sharing that she is planning on handing out 70 of them in honor of her 70th birthday. How amazingly awesome is that?

A couple weeks back I e-mailed Pam and told her my story. Today she featured my email in her More Stories to Rock Your World section. Check it out here.  I'm guessing you can figure out which one is mine.

Yep, life is flippin' amazing.